Frequently Asked Questions

"I really, really need this! Buuuut...
You have some... hesitations? Concerns!
Got a few questions about weave the Summer Luminator into your limited budget, non-existent free time, and foggy brain?

No worries - we got you.

Workshop enrollment opens in May.

Already a member? Log in.

mother and child play with toys on bed

Change the world without neglecting your kids - or yourself

I don't have time!

What would you do with more free time? Using our strategies, members sage an average of 5 hours every week - long after summer ends.

I can't afford it!

75% of members take advantage of our sliding scale, deferred payment plans, or reciprocate by supporting the group in non-monetary ways.

I'm not ____ enough!

You don't have to be an activist or leader, we're just community caregivers who want to make a difference without making things worse

Workshop enrollment opens in May.

Already a member? Log in.


Summer Luminator General FAQ

The Summer Luminator, hosted by Raising Luminaries, is an annual 6-week workshop and social process group for parents, educators, and caregivers.

Our membership connects those raising the next generation of kind and courageous leaders, while giving us the solidarity and strategies we need to juggle work, life, and parenting – all while weaving in our fight for social justice, equity, and inclusion.

Raising Luminaries hosts two seasonal collectives each year – the Summer Luminator and the Winter Incubator.

Both seasonal collectives run for 6 weeks and provide a member portal and resource library of bite-sized lessons and strategies. Both cover necessary basics to sustain long-term activism without burning out, doing a saviorism, or making things worse for the people you’re trying to support.

The Summer Luminator focuses on transforming intent into action, creating a sustainable pace for our parenting and activism goals, and helps members develop community care strategies based on each member’s unique skills and interests.

In. both collectives, we support each other as we assess our current path, create space for you to decide what needs to change, and support you with strategies to make a deep impact in your unique field of interest.

However, the Summer Luminator invites you to de-center yourself to be an effective self-advocate, accomplice, and collaborator – while the Winter Incubator invites you to pull your attention inward and recognize the way your social power, season of life, and mental health impacts your ability effectively to show up for others.

Unlike the Summer Luminator, (which invites, but does not mandate group participation) the Winter Incubator hinges on active real-time group discussion, space for rest, and  slower self-reflection.

In other words, the Summer Luminator is energetic, active, chock full of helpful strategies and lessons, and is designed around busy, irregular travel schedules. The Winter Incubator is a quiet retreat to deeply connect with a small group of people who will hold space for you to re-center and orient yourself – a restful pause to recover and heal before leaping back into action.

Ideally, we can support you through both seasons, as they rely on each other to stay patient with your kids, helpful to your community, and contributing to sustainable, revolutionary change.

Pick the collective that speaks to what you need most. Do you need a quiet break, or do you need a fun, active, pick-me-up?

Which season is less busy for you? Which would stress you out the least to join?

They’re designed to be cyclical, with our members re-joining year after year, if you want to. There is no ‘one right way’ to get started – what really matters is doing the hard and uncomfortable thing and taking the next easiest step toward change.

Workshop enrollment opens in May.

Already a member? Log in.


Summer Luminator Enrollment & Registration FAQ

Enrollment opens to the public in May, but spots are limited to up to 8 new spots this summer.
Join the wait list to get first dibs on our limited spaces.

If by our fourth week, you have engaged with the resources and reflections to the best of your ability, you’ve shown up to the live hangouts and engaged in the chat group – and it’s still not working for you, send me all of your completed discovery activities before the end of the collective, and I’ll send you a full refund.

Since there is such limited space in the collective, I can’t offer refunds if you just don’t review or engage with the work. For more info, check out the full return policy.

While you can access the Summer Portal anytime, you’re never obligated to join us for future collectives.

Our discussions are deeply interactive and not designed for passive consumption. Each year, I reach out to our alumni before opening the collective to new members to see if you’d like to actively participate, take a role in supporting new members, or just take a break for as many years as you like.

Unsubscribing from these check-ins is easy, and I don’t monitor the alumni list (so you don’t have to worry about offending anyone.)

If you’re not sure if the collective is right for you, we have a no-risk refund guarantee, but it relies on you actively participating for the first few weeks.

But if you don’t need a refund and just want to lock in this year’s rates, that’s fine. Just let me know you won’t be actively participating so we can open another spot open for someone who will.

Alternatively – reach out to me with hesitations and concerns and I’d be happy to either tweak to make it accessible to you right away, or recommend an alternative resource to so you’ve got the capacity to join us next year.

In the unlikely event that we’re WAY TOO POPULAR and all the spots in our first cohort fills up, I’ll split us up into multiple smaller groups.

If necessary, we can arrange for you to audit the collective without joining a cohort to lock in this year’s rates before next year’s fee increase. This gives you access to the resources, but delays your participation if you’re not ready to engage with the group yet.

But don’t wait too long – the summer collective is designed to help you reclaim your time, stop over-working, and take responsibility for the way you show up for others. The longer you put this internal work off, the harder it’ll be to avoid sabotaging yourself and those you care for.

Workshop enrollment opens in May.

Already a member? Log in.


Summer Luminator Scheduling FAQ

We run for 6 weeks every summer, starting early July continuing through mid-August.

Every Monday, we release a new chapter of content, each containing five bite-sized workshop capers with video, audio, or guidebook material to peruse at your own pace.

While we host optional drop-in hangouts on Zoom every Friday, most of our discussion happens in an asychronous chat group and in the member portal.

Upcoming Summer Luminator Dates:

  • 2025: July 7 – August 15
  • 2026: July 6 – August 14
  • 2027: July 5 – August 13
  • 2028: July 10 – August 18
  • …and so on

Our 6-week collective is designed to come along with you!

Either you can wait until you get back, or access the Summer Member Portal from your phone any time of year – including all video, audio, and downloadable resources. Our chat group uses the free Marco Polo app, so you can stay connected with us even when reception is spotty.

The only ‘time sensitive’ material are our six weekly live hangouts, which are optional drop-in events that about half of our members choose to join. Other than a connecting real-time conversation, we don’t cover anything in these hangouts that we don’t discuss in the chat group and in the member portal.

The only ‘live’ events are our casual weekly hangouts on Zoom, which are totally optional, and drop-in as needed.

The real connection comes over our asynchronous chat group, which you can dip into for a few minutes at a time while going on a walk, cooking dinner, or dropping the kiddo off at camp.

Each of the six weeks, we release a new discussion chapter with bite-sized lessons and resources to help you pace yourself. After they’re released, you can access any of these resources at your own pace.

We gathering together because we can’t keep up with the demands on our time – and that’s not gonna change until we create strategies to catch up.

With lifetime access to our resources, invitations to each summer’s collective, optional drop-in hangouts, and our asychronous chat group, there is just no way to fall behind.

If life really throws you for a loop – you’ll have lifetime access to the resources and summer portal if you need to take a break and come back to hang out next summer.

You’ll have online access to the summer portal all year, for as long as it exists – that means access to the videos, downloads, guidebooks, and resource library so you can enjoy them at your own pace.

I do temporarily take down some of our lessons and resources during the enrollment period as we welcome new members. This way I can upgrade and improve our material and release each of our six chapters throughout the summer to help everyone pace themselves.

Our live Zoom hangouts are completely optional – designed to help members who feel more comfortable getting real-time feedback from others.

These live hangouts are a blast – but most of our conversations happen in the discussion threads or the asynchronous chat-group. Even if you have questions or ideas to share at 2am on Saturday mornings, we’re here for your weird schedule.

Our live drop-in hangouts are not recorded.

In our chat group, you can leave your recordings of video or audio up for the whole duration of the summer, or delete your messages any time you feel necessary.

At the end of the summer, we close out last year’s chat group to start a fresh one with new members.

Raising Luminaries hosts the Summer Luminator Collective for six weeks every summer.

We host these hangouts on Zoom every Friday at 1pm Eastern, for 90 minutes.

Workshop enrollment opens in May.

Already a member? Log in.

Still curious?

Raising Luminaries
Igniting the next generation of kind & courageous leaders
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