The Winter Incubator is an annual six-week workshop hosted by Raising Luminaries designed for parents, educators, and caregivers who feel overworked and untethered from the support communities they need to keep going.
In a society that divides caregivers with competition, production, and hyper-independence, this is our chance to connect, share ideas, and practice receiving what we need to care for others.
Gathering for small-group discussions, we create the space and support you need to juggle advocacy, life, and care work. Learn how to weave your dedicated to social justice, equity, and decolonization into your care work.
Raising Luminaries hosts two seasonal collectives each year – the Summer Luminator and the Winter Incubator.
What both collectives have in common:
> Run for 6 weeks and provide a member portal and resource library of bite-sized lessons and strategies.
> Connect like-minded caregivers so we don’t have to do this work alone
> Cover vital basics to sustain long-term activism without burning out, doing a saviorism, or making things worse for the people you’re trying to support.
In both collectives, we create space for you to recognize what needs to change and provide strategies to make a deeper impact on the issues you care most deeply about.
What’s different about the Winter Incubator:
The Winter Incubator encourages you to pull your attention inward, creating space to reorient and reset your habits.
We invite you to examine your positionality in activism and care work, incorporating your unique abilities and access to privilege in the complex fight for justice.
In our time together, investigate how we are each complicit in upholding the kyriarchy, and develop strategies to change our behavior toward more sustainable, joyful, guilt-free action.
The Summer Luminator invites you to de-center yourself to be an effective self-advocate, accomplice, and collaborator. We practice turning your attention toward others – determining who you are best suited to support, and how. The Winter Incubator invites you to pull your attention inward to learn how to take advantage of your social power, season of life, and capacity to effectively show up for others.
Why we change our tactics in Winter
Unlike the Summer Luminator, (which invites, but does not mandate group participation) the Winter Incubator hinges on active real-time group discussion, space for rest, slower self-reflection, and integrating tiny changes into specific chapters of your life.
Even thriving trees can’t bear fruit all year round. The Winter Incubator creates a quiet retreat to gather your marbles and re-assess your approach to care work. Learn how to disrupt capitalism and hustle culture without hiding under the blankets and isolating yourself from the communities who need you.
To be the best caregiver you can be, ideally, we can support you through both seasons, covering very different goals and strategies as you practice revolutionary justice work.
When won’t you feel overwhelmed? Let’s be honest. Your life isn’t going to get any simpler. When you’re too scattered to think straight, you’ll always take on more than you can handle.
Wrangling kids, work, and a world that’s literally on fire – we’re here to help you get a grip without drowning in everybody else’s demands, so you can give them what they need.
We’ll help you feel less overwhelmed now and in the future, no matter what complicated horrors await next.
However – are you up to your neck in crisis?
> Will you miss more than half our live hangouts?
> Would the lowest cost on our sliding scale prevent you from paying for rent or medicine?
> Is the car you live in currently on fire?
If so – you have more urgent things to attend to! Join us next year.
Raising Luminaries
Igniting the next generation of kind & courageous leaders